All Times EST
Thursday, October 22nd
2 PM–4 PM: VIP Check-In and VIP Networking Rooms
4 PM–6 PM: World's Largest Bookstore Experiential Livestream (Public Welcome)
6 PM–7 PM: VIP Table Time Dinner Discussions
7 PM–8:30 PM: VIP Experiential Private Party

Friday, October 23rd
8 AM: VIP Table Time Breakfast Discussions AND Roundtable Sponsored by Fire Ring
9 AM–12:30 PM: Spark Day VIP Business Building Experience, David Branderhorst, Barbara M. Littles and Special Speakers
11 AM–1 PM: General Check-In and Networking Rooms
1:30 PM–3:30 PM: Opening Session and Red Carpet Sessions
5 PM–6 PM: Table Time Dinner Discussions
6 PM–7 PM: Red Carpet Meet and Greet
7 PM–8:30 PM: 3rd Annual Author Academy Awards Global Livestream (Public Welcome)

Saturday, October 24th
7:30 AM: Table Time Breakfast Discussions
8:30 AM: Dan Miller
9:30 AM: Paul Carrick Brunson
10:30 AM: Break
10:40 AM: Kathryn Jones
12 PM: Table Time Lunch Discussions and Roundtable Sponsored by Business Academy Elite
1 PM: Jill Young
2:PM: Small Group Breakouts
2:30 PM: Break
2:40 PM: Jim Edwards
3:35 PM: Chet Scott
4:15 PM: Dismiss
5PM–6 PM: Table Time Dinner Discussions and Roundtables Sponsored By Igniting Souls Author Programs
6:30 PM–7:30 PM: Tom Ryan
8 PM–9 PM: Unhackable Book Launch Party Global Livestream (Public Welcome)

Sunday, October 25th
7 AM-8 AM: Optional Experiential Workout
8 AM: Table Time Breakfast Discussions
9 AM: Dan Sullivan
10 AM: Shannon Waller
11 AM: Niccie Kliegl and Daphne Smith
12 PM: Table Time Lunch Discussions and Roundtable Sponsored By Fire Ring
1 PM: Skip Prichard
2 PM: Dexter Godfrey
2:50 PM: Break
3 PM: Lisa Moser, Linda Outka, Chris McClure
4:15 PM: Kary Oberbrunner
5 PM: ISC Ends
5 PM-8 PM: Optional Igniter Coaching Sessions